Ahoy, me hearties! Raise the anchor and set sail aboard the pirate ship in Snakes and Ladders, or turn the board over and row your crew to the treasure island in Ludo. Two great games in one!
Old favourites are given an exciting pirate twist on this double-sided playing board which the whole family can enjoy. As well as being great fun, these two classic board games help to encourage communication skills, turn taking and counting.
Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
Old favourites are given an exciting pirate twist on this double-sided playing board which the whole family can enjoy. As well as being great fun, these two classic board games help to encourage communication skills, turn taking and counting.
- 1 double-sided playing board
- 16 counters
- 4 pirate characters
- 4 character stands
- 1 dice
- 1 dice shaker
- 1 instruction leaflet
Not suitable for children under 3 years due to small parts. Choking hazard.
As Seen on The Late Late Toy Show

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